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12:13 e paradites
Emërtimet: colors swathi, maa tv anchor swathi, maa tv swathi, swati, swathi, swathi gallery, swathi photo gallery
freedom fighters, presidents, primeministers, cricket players, models, bollywood actress, bollywood actors, tollywood actress, tollywood actors, photos,gallerys
Postuar nga
12:13 e paradites
Emërtimet: colors swathi, maa tv anchor swathi, maa tv swathi, swati, swathi, swathi gallery, swathi photo gallery
5 komente:
i think she is so much beauiful.
with having charmfull smile, glamorious face, the dark hair sprinklled with some blakishgray,
i'm a non-telugu i have her new film with venketes i liked her;
well i need swaties more photoes in my e-mail;- pintu916@yahoo.com.
can any one.
i will be greatfull to him
Beautiful by look,
admiring by face,
Genuis look..
If i had u as my friend,,
I would be better than the best..
because i love friends..
Venkat - Wipro
+91 9841040891
Cho Chweet than the Sweet
Hi Swathi this is narayana from chennai. ur looking so cute and awesome. no words to explain about u..... i wanna say something that I LOVY YOU AND I WANNA MARRY YOU. WILL U?
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